
Saturday, 20 August 2011

Pink to make the boys wink

Today we went to Ashbourne Show.

This is a great agricultural show in Derbyshire about 40 minutes drive from our house organised every year by the Ashbourne Shire Horse Society. And when I say every year I mean the first one was held in 1881. Last year it was one of the first outings I went on with my family.

There are lots of horse competitions - and some people qualify for Horse Of The Year Show.

There are cows.

And sheep. These sheep were having a little chat with their neighbours.

There's lots of trade stands, and nice food, and I liked being with the family having a good look at everything and everyone.

Then it got REALLY exciting because we found the Retired Greyhound Trust stand run by Judith and John from Crossing Cottage Greyhound Rescue who looked after me until I found my forever and ever family. I LOVE them so much and it was so nice to see them, and they were pleased to see me too.

Then the Man Of The House said he thought the combination of my pretty pink grab collar and my blue collar and lead were confusing people who came to pet me about whether I was a boy or girl. So they bought me a NEW PINK collar and lead from the Crossing Cottage stand. (I bet Bunny will be really jealous!!!)

I also met some new nice friends who support the Retired Greyhound Trust and they are organising a greyhound walk around Barton Marina, also near to us, so we are going to go to that.

So, here's a chance for you to make some new friends too, on the Saturday Pet Blog Hop.

The Saturday Pet Blog Hop is hosted by Life With Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.

If you'd like to join in and make new pet blogger friends, please follow your three hosts, add your blog to the Linky and copy and paste this week's new Linky code into the html editor of your own blog. The list will automatically update on everyone's blogs as new sites add themselves over this weekend and we can all hop from blog to blog and find out everybody's news.

Thanks again to our three hosts for putting on the hop!

If you follow a new blog after finding them in the blog hop - please let them know that you found them on the Saturday Pet Blog Hop.


Two French Bulldogs said...

What a fun day. Those are some weird looking doggies
Benny & Lily

houndstooth said...

Squeeeeeeeeeee! I love that new collar of yours! It actually looks a lot like one that I have. Oh Winnie, we could be twins!

I am so glad you got to go out and have such a fun family outing! I'm looking forward to some of those in the near future myself.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We have an annual show, too. But we aren't allowed to go. You are sooooooo lucky.

XXXOOO daisy, Kendra & Bella

That new collar is beautiful.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Winnie, that really looks like so much fun!! You look beautiful in your collar!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Looks like the purrfect day to me! :o)

Have a nice Sunday!

The Daily Pip said...

You look lovely, Winnie! Bunny is going to be PINK with envy.

Your pal, Pip

ForPetsSake said...

What a fun time! This is really my kind of event. When we lived in Portland, Maine, the biggest fair in the state was called the Fryeburg Fair. There were cows, pigs, horses, baking contests, sheep herding trials, etc. The fair was held in the fall and was such a wonderful intro to fall (my favorite time of year). Pumpkin beer and fried dough. Yum!!

Sue said...

Loving the Pink collar and lead. Song wears Blue because it suits her colour and of course her name is Song Song Blue.

I find people seem to assume most dogs are male:)

Glad you said hello to the lovely couple who looked after you.

Enjoy your walk with the other Greyhounds.

jet said...

Bender is scared of horses, and cows, and sheep! Some dog he is, eh? I am yet to introduce Barbie to horses, but hopefully she isn't scared of them.

tubby3pug said...

That looks like so much fun! I agree Winnie is brave. Five years ago when we lived in Manhattan with Norbert Tubby and Ping I used to walk them in cenral park and we would pass the horses that pull the carts. Tubby wanted to challenge them-he'd bark. Ping was oblivious. Norbert was scared to death, he would roll over on his back. Unfortunatel they all liked to roll in the horse poo though

Scooter said...

Hey Winnie!
Wow, great horse pix! They are really pawesome critters. Love the new pink...very pretty on you! So feminine.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

George The Lad said...

Hi Winnie
You look beauitful in your new collar, and a fun day you had.
I must tell you I met and walked with a rescue greyhound called Rolo, he's just started blogging
He's very friendly.
Have a good week
See yea George xxx

Anonymous said...

That looks like it was a great day out Winnie! And oh yeah, that new pink collar is definitely you! :D

Waggin at ya,

Brenda said...

Now I'm wondering what a 'grab collar' is, though I assume it's one meant to be grabbed? (hey, I'm smart that way, lol!).

Dexter said...

How right you are, Miss Bunny will certainly be wanting one of those pretty pink collars. The fair looks grand with all those curious animals which are not dogs.


Kristin G. said...

That looks like a fun way to spend the day. Love the pink collar!! You wear it well Winnie. xo

Hawk aka BrownDog said...

Hi Y'all,

I'm a boy and I'm here to wink! Love the pink!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog