Just a little bit, maybe?
Yesterday, despite the driving rain that didn't stop ALL day, me and the Lady Of The House and the Girl Of The House piled into the car and drove for an hour up to Bakewell in Derbyshire.
I LOVE going out in the car and the journey was great fun. When we got there the LOTH got my big rain coat on and we went in to Barlow Show (which is a three-day horse show) but where my old friends John and Judith from Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary hold a Greyhound Show and a big information stand every year on the final day.
It was such a shame the weather was so bad because I'm sure lots more greyhounds and their owners would have been there. But we got there JUST in time to enter me for Class 7 - Vintage and Veteran Dogs - Seven Years Plus. And I came second - and won my first-ever rosette!! Well, my first rosette in THIS life anyway.
Actually I deliberately wanted to get second place because I liked the blue rosette best.
Here's me and the GOTH pictured at the start of our roadtrip though.
You can see that we are both quite excited.
It was lovely to see John and Judith again. I would have recognised them anywhere - even though they both had big anoraks with hoods on.
The LOTH was also very pleased with how happy and sociable I was with the other greyhounds. I think that meet-and-greet afternoon I did a while back has helped me be more confident and a lot less nervous around other dogs - especially greyhounds.
I'm now really looking forward to lots more dog days out over the summer. There's lots of Retired Greyhound Trust events coming up - plus the Great British Greyhound Walk - which I'll tell you more abut later this week. Maybe the rain will stop for some of them as well.
Congratulations Winnie! And I agree, blue is just the perfect colour for you.
Toodle pip!
Congrats on the ribbon!!!! Hehehe, I ride in the car the same way!
Hi Winnie - Awards galore for you! Glad you like the Inspiration award - take your time with passing it on, there are so many good blogs out there!
Whoop whoop!!! Hooray for Winnie, well done you. We agree blue is much more fetching with your colouring. Great that you got to meet up with some old and new friends too. Dex & Lou x
Congratulations, Winnie! That is great, you got a rosette! It is your color!
Winnie, We had parellel days yesterday! I too was taken to an event and made to socialize, even though I am not the best at it. I ended up doing much better than my Mom expected.
It was rainy and dreary as well, although the rain did hold off for most of the event. Also, my Mom blamed me and the fact that she was so busy with minding me for not taking pictures!
Anyhoo, You do look absolutely adorable in blue. Congrats on your rosette.
xoxo, Winnie
PeeS: Here's the whole story from our day:
Benny & Lily
Congratulations Winnie!!! What a beautiful blue ribbon!!! You are the best!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
Hey there Champ!
Never Minds seconds, you comes first to me. As for braving the rain (which was relentless) and actually going OUT ... and HAVING FUN ...am going to have words with the hooman what feeds me...
Well done Miss Blue Rosette Winnie!
Hector xx
Congratulations Winnie. We like Blue best, too. We've never won anything!
Sounds like it was a good day, except for the weather. Hope you curled up for a good nap when you got home.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
That is SO awesome Winnie! And that is a very lovely rosette. I's nicer than the ones I get at the conformation shows! Congratulations!!
Hi Y'all!
Congratulations! What a beautiful rosette! It is so befitting you.
We stopped by from "What Dogs Do" for a visit.
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Winnie, that is so awesome! I'm glad you had such a successful outing! May it be the first of many to come this summer.
I love the picture of you and the GOTH! We need to see one of you in your raincoat.
Congratulations Winnie! How exciting! I am vintage and veteran dog, too!
Your pal, Pip
Congratulations Winnie! I tink da blue one is very purrty too. You are da best!!!
Way to go Winnie!! See, old dogs can still compete! I'm glad you had a fun trip, and hopefully the rain will hold off next time, so you can get some more pictures!
Congratulations, Winnie - we love the color blue too. You must be very proud of your rosette.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Winnie, I think blue looks extra good with your delicate lovely coat.
Congrats on your bee-U-tiful blue ribbon!! You are a winner, Winnie!!
Well done Winnie. Bet you get more rosettes over the summer.
Congrats Winnie! Blue is a beautiful color on you :D
Waggin at ya,
Dog Sitter Los Angeles
Thank you for posting.
Very pretty! (And the rosette's not bad either.) :)
Hi Y'all,
It's me Hawk, again!
I followed you back.
Thanks so much for stoppin' and followin'.
Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Oh, Winnie, how fun! AND you won a pretty rosette! I'm not in the least bit surprised. Although pawsonally I think you shoulda come in first. I mean, a judge would have to be blind not to pick you for first. Um...the judge wasn't really blind, was he?
Anyway, congratulations on your whole, big, wonderful, exciting day!
Wiggles & Wags,
Congratulations Winnie! That is so cool, and what fun!
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