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When did you begin your blog?
During August 2010 the month I came to live with my new forever family.
What was the original purpose of starting the blog?
The Lady Of The House (my new mum, let's be honest) was so excited about me coming to live with them that she really wanted to share the news with everyone. She also was shocked to find out how many people misunderstood greyhounds and didn't consider them as pets because they thought they would need hours of exercise a day. The LOTH thought lots of pictures of me being a couch potato might help.
Is your current purpose the same?
We're still keen to let people know what great pets greyhounds make and to speak up for dogs everywhere. But we also hope that sometimes we can make people smile. At the start the LOTH thought that only her own friends and family would be reading the blog, and maybe some people from the Retired Greyhound Trust in England. It's been a surprise and delight to 'meet' pets across the world through their blogs. So many of the blogs we follow are so funny.....we try and keep up (we can but try).
If so how do you feel you’ve met your goals?
The people who comment on our blog are 'dog people' and quite a few of them have greyhounds so they know how wonderful we are - but maybe some people read the blog and don't comment and maybe we get our message across to some people that way.
Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?
We try and blog once every day...but it can be any time when we have time and inspiration.
Are you generating income from your blog?
I have a couple of Adsense slots and a couple of Amazon affiliates to see what happened. I've made £2.55 so far!
What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?
I love the people I've met through blogging and it's always a thrill when someone goes to the trouble of commenting.
What do you like least?
When I can't think of a title to a blog post - or something to blog about....though that doesn't happen too often.
How do you see the blog changing in 2011?
I hope I can get more followers and maybe come up with some blogs as good as my own hero dogs (and cats) in the blogging world. It would also be nice if it led to a few people finding the LOTH's pet bereavement website Lost & Fond which we hope will help people share memories of the pets they have loved and lost down the years.
We are glad you decided to join!
It was fun learning more about you, Winnie! We have loved reading your blog and hope that you'll be writing for a long time. I have a feeling you'll bet more followers!
We're so glad we met you. We love hearing about your adventures. Keep it up.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Winnie! My dog's name is Winnie too (a shih-tzu)
I found you through the Pet Blogger Challenge
My blog is:
We love greyhounds! I used to pet sit for a beautiful greyhound named Gracie, she was shy and sweet and her favorite "activity" was no activity at all. Snuggles were her thing.
Best, Alison (and Winnie Cooper too)
Very nice way to learn more about you! Also wanted to say thanks for following Critter Alley. We've signed on as your newest followers!
It's great to find out new things about you! We love greyhounds and actually it was a woman with greyhounds as pets in her house or we should say "their house" that got us into blogging a long time ago. Lots of love, Holly and mom
I know before I started blogging I had the same misconceptions about greyhounds. I thought they needed a huge fenced yard or farm to run around in all day. I didn't think there was any way my lazy self could ever own one. Now I realise that after a burst of energy, they can be some of the most relaxed dogs around and make wonderful companions.
Joke's on me as I pooh-poohed a greyhound and ended up with a Shiva. :-P
So you have helped achieve your goal with one person, who knows how many more are out there?
Thanks for stopping by charlies blog and commenting! I sometimes have trouble thinking of blog post names too! Happy blogging!
Great answers. Love popping in and seeing what you are up to.
Great to know you Winnie, thanks for visiting us.
Love from Bella & Ollie.
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