
Friday 3 September 2010

Food Glorious Food

I enjoy my food, but I do eat quite calmly and steadily and I'm good at not begging for food from the family. I let them eat in peace.

I do have my food dish raised up. Rather than buy a pet dish stand, my family got a good tip to use a plastic flower pot which is a good fit for my dish. It means it's a comfortable height for me - and it won't overbalance even if I push it round the floor to get the last bit of food.

I keep hearing this song called "Food Glorious Food" playing around the house. Apparently three of the family will be doing songs from a musical called "Oliver!" in tomorrow's fund-raising Playathon by Little Theatre Company which I mentioned earlier this week (See here)

I've not forgotten that teddy you've got in the tombola you know, people. Singing in my ear isn't going to distract me either.

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